Detailed statistics about your New York Times crossword solves
Solve Statistics
See advanced statistics of your solves for every day of the week. Median solve time, number of squares checked/revealed, daily solve rates, and more. You can also compare to your rolling average to see if you're improving or not.

Monthly Calendar
See a calendar view of various solve data. View your solve times, puzzle completions, and performance improvement in a handy monthly calendar view. Switch the data displayed on the calendar between solve time, adjusted solve time, and checked square counts.

Adjusted Solve Times
See your "adjusted" solve times, which include penalties for squares that are checked and revealed. This custom statistic allows you to compare solve performance across puzzles you were able to complete with and without "cheating."

Downloadable Data
View your raw solve data in tabular form and download it to a CSV file. It's your data, you should be able to download and do what you want with it. Fetch the entire history of your solved puzzles for your own analysis.

Constructor View
See which crossword constructors you really jive with. View stats compared to your averages to see which constructors you consistently over-perform or under-perform on their puzzles. Search constructors to see historical solve performance for their puzzles.

Global Puzzle Statistics
Did anyone else think that puzzle was super hard or was that just me? Individual puzzle summaries allow you to see how fellow solvers fared on each puzzle as well as where the puzzle ranked in your own personal history. Check out the full puzzle archive for a sneak peek.