Manually Link Your NYT Account

If you log in to the website with a social provider or would rather not enter your password into this site, you can link your account manually by following these steps. Be sure you have a paid NYT Games subscription and are logged in.

Step 1 - Log In

First, log in to with the account that has your crossword subscription.

Step 2 - Get Token

Now, we need to get your login cookie. These instructions are written for Google Chrome, but similar steps can be taken in any other modern web browser.

From the website, click on Chrome Menu at the top right (3 dots), then "More Tools" then "Developer Tools"

dev tools

Select the Application tab, then on the left expand Cookies (in the Storage section) and select

Look for the cookie with the name NYT-S and single click on it. The value of this cookie that is displayed below is your token. Copy it and proceed to step 3

dev tools token

Step 3 - Save Token

Go to your Profile Page and paste in your token from step 2 to the Manual Token entry field. Click Submit Manual Token. If the token is valid, you will see a green check mark indicating that your account is now linked.

account success

If you have trouble with this step or are getting an error message, please reach out to [email protected] and we can assist.